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Why Is My AC Leaking Water?

Water is an amazing thing! It’s used to make coffee, provide cool escapes from warm weather and keep us hydrated. However, water where it doesn’t belong can cause some pretty serious damage. If you’re starting to notice pools of water forming around your AC unit, there are some pretty easy explanations and fixes for you to consider.

At Aire Serv in Fort Worth, we know that the Texas heat can be a pain. But when your HVAC units start sweating, a cool towel won’t fix it! Air conditioning units that are leaking water pose a safety risk to everyone in the house, and they’re generally a sign of larger problems for your system. Learn what may be causing this to happen to your system.

Water Leaks Versus Refrigerant AC Leaks

It can be difficult to tell whether the leak in your air conditioning is water or refrigerant, but there are a few telltale signs that can tip you off. Looking for the differences in color, temperature and smell are helpful in ensuring the difference.

Color and Texture

One of the ways that you can tell the difference between water and refrigerant is its color. Water and refrigerant are generally supposed to be clear, but leaked refrigerant will be yellow or green in color. If you’re having trouble distinguishing the color, refrigerant will be more oily compared to water.


A great way to tell the difference between refrigerant and water is the temperature of the liquid. Because refrigerant is made to help cool down air, it will naturally be a lot cooler than water. Water will remain near room temperature, with refrigerant being significantly cooler. However, if you’re unsure what the leak is, it’s best not to touch it as refrigerant can be harmful to handle.


Another easy way to tell the difference between refrigerant and water is to think of its smell. By wafting the smell towards your nose, you will smell a chemical and sweet smell if there is a leak of refrigerant. Water doesn’t have a particular smell, so you should not be able to smell it.

What’s Causing My AC To Leak Water?

There are a lot of different causes of leaking water in your HVAC unit. Here are some possible reasons why your system may have a leak:

1. Clogged Drain Line

The most common cause of leaking water in AC units is a clogged drain line. This is because with extended use, the drain line becomes clogged due to excess debris. This isn’t necessarily a preventable issue, but it’s a good idea to reduce use anytime you can.

2. Frozen Evaporator Coils

Evaporator coils are a part of your HVAC unit that absorb heated air from inside of your home, pushing it through to eventually become cold air. Whenever the inside of the air conditioning unit gets too cold, they have the potential to freeze. They can freeze through low refrigerant levels, dirty air filters and a malfunctioning blower motor.

3. Cracked Drain Pans

While it’s rare for it to crack, your AC’s drain pan is designed to collect condensation and direct it to the drain line, which disposes of it. If something heavy or sharp falls onto the drain pain, it has the potential to rupture. It can also break with age and wear, but that takes a very long time.

When To Schedule AC Water Leak Repair Services

You should always schedule leak repair whenever you see water underneath your unit. If your AC is leaking water, there are a lot of larger issues that could explain where the water is coming from. If there is refrigerant under your unit, discontinue its use until you have a technician fix the issue. Refrigerants can be actively harmful to your health, but water under your unit is also worth calling a technician.

Call Today For Quality Fort Worth Air Conditioner Repair Services!

Having constant leaks and breaks in your AC unit can be frustrating to deal with. Luckily, at Aire Serv Heating and Air Conditioning, our technicians provide dependable and fast emergency services for Fort Worth to enjoy. We know that your AC unit doesn’t just leak or break during business hours, so we offer 24/7 emergency services! Call today to schedule your appointment and fix that pesky leak.

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Fort Worth, TX
3024 B Shawnee Trail
Fort Worth, TX 76135